Enfield Advisory Service for Autism

Enfield Advisory Service for Autism

Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism

Case Study Consultations

Pupil/Student Consultation Request

We now use the Autism Education Trust’s 8 Principles of Good Autism Practice as a framework for helping staff to think about the needs and provision for individual pupils/students in their settings. A case study consultation can take up to 1 hour per child, depending upon how much information you have gathered prior to the meeting and how familiar you and your staff are with the process and 8 Good Practice Principles. 

If you require a consultation please complete and submit the form below.

We also ask that you inform the pupil’s/student’s parents that this consultation is taking place.

Please complete all fields marked (*)

Please note that charges apply for Private, Independent and Out of Borough settings


Please note, it would be helpful to us if you are able to submit copies of reports at the time when you send in the Case Study Consultation paperwork (see below).


To prepare for the consultation, please download all 3 forms below, complete and send to admin@enfieldasa.org.uk 

EASA Case Study Consultation Form 2025 - New updated Case Study Consultation form for 2025. We request that schools use this rather than any previous versions you may have saved. Thank you. 

AET My Hopes, Dreams and Aspirations template

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