Case Study Consultations
Pupil/Student Consultation Request
We now use the Autism Education Trust’s 8 Principles of Good Autism Practice as a framework for helping staff to think about the needs and provision for individual pupils/students in their settings. A case study consultation can take up to 1 hour per child, depending upon how much information you have gathered prior to the meeting and how familiar you and your staff are with the process and 8 Good Practice Principles.
If you require a consultation please complete and submit the form below.
We also ask that you inform the pupil’s/student’s parents that this consultation is taking place.
To prepare for the consultation, please download all 3 forms below, complete and send to
EASA Case Study Consultation Form 2025 - New updated Case Study Consultation form for 2025. We request that schools use this rather than any previous versions you may have saved. Thank you. |