Enfield Advisory Service for Autism

Enfield Advisory Service for Autism

Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism Life at Enfield Advisory Service for Autism

Community Support & Partnerships

These are from our partners to support children, young people and their families.

 NHS Enfield Talking Therapies

London Autism Group Charity logo

Southgate Community Cafe

Our Southgate Community Cafe/drop-in takes place on the second Sunday of every month, between 1pm and 3pm. It is held at the fantastic St Andrew's Church Hall in Southgate, N14 5PP. The entire Autistic community are welcome: Autistic people and Carers.
No official diagnosis is necessary.

Just come on in, relax and meet everyone.

Feel free to stop by for a chat and a hot drink with our lovely volunteers.


Wellbeing resources for parents and carers



Parents/Carers living in Enfield who are experiencing conflict can download the Enfield version of Between Us app on their devices and work through the various exercises, independently or as targeted intervention.  

 Here is a short video about the Between Us App -  Between Us App Local Authority Video 

Benefits of using Between Us App:

  • Improved communication between the couple/separated parents
  • Improved understanding of a partner's/co-parent’s perspective
  • Reduction in conflict between couples and co-parents. 

Go to https://www.betweenus-app.com/get-access/enfield-council  and follow the instructions attached.

Our Voice

Click this link for all events at Our Voice - https://www.ourvoiceenfield.org.uk/events




Home - Educational Psychology Service

EBSNA & Telephone Support Line for Parents and Carers: https://www.enfield.gov.uk/educationalpsychologyservice/telephone-support-line-for-parents-and-carers


One to One Enfield

 Enfield Autism Hub - Website Link

Flyer for Enfield Autism Hub, click to expand